POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Field rendering? : Re: Field rendering? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:22:03 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Field rendering?  
From: Thorsten Froehlich
Date: 18 Oct 2001 08:04:41
Message: <3bcec559@news.povray.org>
In article <tom### [at] d212-151-166-213swipnetse> , 
tom### [at] swipnetse (Tom Stone) wrote:

> Good to know. Thanks.
> So, it isn't necessary to use this option when processing it further in
> dedicated video editing software.
> Is it ever necessary to use this option at all?

Yes, but only if your frame rate is matching the interlaced frame rate you
will see a difference.  If you render only 25/30 frames (for PAL/NTSC video
output) you will not see a difference because the video program will simply
use the same image and do the necessary conversion to an interlaced format
automatically.  It is different if you want to output with a framerate that
does _match_ the interlaced frame rate of your video system.  So if you
output with 50/60 frames/second you do want to use this option as is allows
you to reduce render time because POV-Ray will only need to render half as
many lines.  Of course you could also render it without this flag, but the
whole rendering will take twice as long and the output program will just end
of throwing away half of your work...

Note: The above is only true if you do a full resolution PAL/NTSC output.
Meaning 768*576 for PAL and 640*480 for NTSC with 50/60 frames per second
with field rendering.  If you use half of resolution, i.e. 384*288 or
320*240 you gain nothing with field rendering - only using 25/30 full frames
per second makes sense for this resolution or any other resolution below the
native resolution of PAL/NTSC.


Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: tho### [at] trfde

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